April 1996 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 26 March 1996 with Mr A.D.Walmsley in the chair

Speed Limits:

following reconsideration of the speed limits notices submitted to the Parish Council it was decided to check whether the County Council had the authority to impose speed limits on private roads within the parish.

Park and Ride:

A letter had been sent to the Hampshire County Council concerning Winchester City Council’s suggestion that Park and Ride be extended to the Old Parade Ground Bushfield Camp, advising that the Parish Council are of the opinion that the camp site would not be a suitable location due to questionable access. Also, reiterate the Parish Council’s suggestion that the site of Tarmac and Mott MacDonald offices at Bushfield could be considered as suitable for a scheme with firm understanding that such a scheme if introduced into the strategic gap would be treated as an exceptional case and not a precedent for further encroachment into the gap.

Road Safety in Compton and Shawford:

A letter, written by the chairman to the County Surveyor was circulated, again raising the Parish Council’s concerns at the potential dangers of crossing the road at the unlighted island at the end of Compton Street. The letter referred to a recent serious accident at the end of Compton Street, to HCC plans to look at traffic calming measures, and mentioned that many recent accidents had occurred in the village: and concluded asking that a safety review be carried out urgently to cover all the points specified in the Chairman’s letter together with any other aspects of road safety that may be found.

Footpaths and fencing:

It was reported that the gates had not been erected on footpath 23, in the railway arch, and that the stiles on Yew Walk footpath were the responsibility of Hampshire County Council who had been approached on the matter. It was also reported that the fallen fencing on land opposite Shawford Down had been repaired.

Provision of lay-bys at bus-stops:

a letter had been written to the County Surveyor seeking provision of bus lay-bys at the two stops recently provided, opposite each other, on Otterbourne Road, just south of Shawford Bridge, as these bus stops are clearly potential accident spots for traffic when overtaking stationary buses.

Relocation of Southdown direction sign:

It was decided to write to Winchester City Council concerning the siting of this recently erected sign asking that it be placed in an appropriate position next to the Shawford/Twyford direction sigh at the junction with Shawford Hill so that it is also visible to traffic approaching from Shawford and Twyford.

Parish Hall Development Site:

following the Parish Council’s previous decision to recommend sale of land adjacent to the Parish Hall, it was decided that consultation on the matter of development options will take place at the Annual Parish Meeting on 25 April, afier which the council will decide what further steps to take. The residential development options are to sell the land on the open market to a developer or to sell to a housing association. Particulars will be circulated with notice of Annual Parish Meeting to be distributed to all households.

As this was the last meeting of the Council before the election of a new Parish Council, the chairman, Councillor A D Walmsley, thanked members for all their work and support throughout the year.

[Editor’s note: this was the April meeting, held a week early]