January 1996 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on 9th January 1996, with Mr A D Walmsley in the Chair.

The Otterbourne Incinerator Site

Following press reports about dioxin emissions, there will be a public meeting on 24th January addressed by the County Scientific Officer. Cllr Pat Appleton to attend. Although the incinerator has to close down later this year, we expect that Hampshire Waste and Minerals will shortly submit a planning application to use the site as a waste transfer station. We are concerned that this change of use may cause a substantial rise in the volume of heavy traffic through Compton. As soon as the planning application is formally submitted, we will post notices on the parish notice boards. This will alert residents who wish to lodge their own responses to the application in addition to any action the Parish Council may take.

Parish Hall Development Site

We are continuing to look at different ways to fund improvements to the Parish Hall by disposing of the adjacent site. The Parish Council is committed to seek public approval before taking any final decision.

The chairman will confirm our policy in an open letter to the parish magazine.

Acquisition of M3 surplus land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

Following authorisation voted at the December meeting, we are accepting the District Valuer’s revised figure of £2,750 (two thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds), to be met from reserve funds. Cllr Wilmshurst expressed his disappointment at this figure.

Parish Hall Centenary Celebration – December 1996

Cllr Jean Millar will hold a meeting at the end of January to form a committee and formulate proposals regarding events and displays to be mounted by the Council and local organisations.

Bowling Green and Basketball

The Playing Field sub-committee is to consider a proposal from a parishioner that a bowling club be formed on the Memorial Playing Field by merging with an existing club which could contribute finance, and will also respond to an offer of a grant from Winchester City Council to provide basketball facilities

Budget/Precept 1996/97

The budget for 1996/97 was approved, which provides for a Precept on Winchester City Council, to cover expenditure, of £17,510.00 (seventeen thousand five hundred and ten pounds) representing an increase of 3% over that for 1995/96.

Donation to Compton Parochial Church Council

It was agreed to donate £280.00 (two hundred and eighty pounds) – as previously budgeted – to the Parochial Church Council towards their costs of maintaining the churchyard and of publishing the Parish Magazine.

Parish Council Meetings

To avoid Easter Week, the monthly meeting of the Parish Council due for Tuesday 2nd April will be moved to Tuesday 26th March. The statutory Annual Parish Meeting will be on Thursday 25th April, as previously arranged