December 1995 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 5th December 1995, with Mr A D Walmsley in the Chair.

Future use Otterbourne Incinerator site

County Cllr Mrs A Bailey reported on the Public Meeting held in Otterbourne on 14th November, concerning the future use of Otterbourne Incinerator site for waste disposal, when concerns were widely expressed regarding traffic volume and vehicle movements involving up to 38 ton lorries in and out of the site, should planning permission be granted for transfer loading.

Bushfield Camp Site

Cllr Mrs Bailey also reported that the County Planning Officer is of opinion that Bushfield Camp Site is unsuitable for Intech (scientific exhibition of working models aimed at young people) and a new site is being sought.

Lighting of ‘pedestrian’ island end of Compton Street

Cllr Wilmshurst reported on a letter from the County Surveyor concerning the policy relating to illuminating traffic refuges on roads, with an explanation why the island at the end of Compton Street is not illuminated for pedestrians. The signs on the bollards are of a highly reflective nature to ensure they are conspicuous to night-time traffic and are not intended, or suitable, to enable pedestrians to see their way in the dark. Cllr Wilmshurst expressed dissatisfaction with letter, reiterated his view that the island is a danger spot and put the matter to County Cllr Mrs Bailey, who re-affirmed the HCCs strict policy on lighting and advised that a system of priorities is operated.

M3 Land adjoining the Memorial Playing Field

The Chairman reported that he had met the valuer for the Highways Agency, on site, and following authority given by the Parish Council, hopes to agree a purchase price shortly.

Purchase of office equipment

The Finance Sub-Committee was authorised to spend up to £2000 on a computer and copier, subject to formal agreement with Otterbourne Parish Council. as to equal sharing of purchase price and maintenance costs.


Following a report on footpaths, the Highways and Byways Sub-Committee is to consider the costs of providing gates at the ends of the enclosed footpath at the railway arch, Place Lane, should HCC agree to remove the concrete bollards.

Parish Hall Improvements

The Council agreed in principle to spend approximately £60,000 on improvements to the parish hall, from proceeds of the proposed sale of land adjoining the hall. Enquiries to be made as to eligibility of an improvement scheme for a Lottery grant.

Parish Hall Centenary Celebration 1996

It was reported that 28 people had attended the preliminary meeting on 14th November, and that a committee would shortly be formed to formulate proposals. The Parish Council will consider the extent to which the event could be subsidised

Annual Parish Meeting 1996

Decided that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 25th April 1996.