December 1994 PC Meeting Report

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday 6th December 1994, with Mr R E Jordan in the Chair.


Following complaints of traffic speeds past Compton Street, it was reported that County Cllr Mrs A Bailey was already pursuing the issue with County council traffic planners. Measures are being sought to reduce speed along Otterbourne Road through Compton, and particularly down hill from the Shawford Bridge.

Play Equipment

It was reported that repair of the steps to the children’s playground has been completed and new seats installed to play equipment.

Parish Hall

On Parish Hall matters, it was reported that many works of maintenance, repair and improvements had been carried out including the provision of new kitchen units and worktops and insulation to roofs. Also, that cutlery is to be purchased and made available for hire by hall users and more White Star Line plates are to be sold.

Bus Shelters

In response to representations from a parishioner, it was decided to further investigate the possibility of providing a bus shelter in or near the layby by the new car park, Otterbourne Road.

Dog Fouling

Following investigation of complaints regarding the extent of fouling by dogs, on Shawford Down, members decided to take no further action in view of the costs associated with the provision of special bins and the lack of necessary policing.

Parish Hall

The Parish Council planning application for development of land adjoining the Parish Hall, with 8 residential units, has been withdrawn, and it is hoped to commence discussion and negotiations with the City Planning Officer shortly, regarding a fresh application.

Bushfield Camp

A meeting is to be arranged with Badger Farm Parish Council to discuss the maintenance project for the pathway Whiteshute Ridge, part of which lies within the parish at Bushfield Camp.

Affordable Housing

A letter had been received from The Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society advising that Winchester City Council has recently amended its view on the suitability of the land at Martins Field, Compton, for a Social Housing development. The letter also stated that a further analysis was required by WCC, to identify all vacant land, and to assess this land with regard to suitability for development. The Parish Council expressed concern and great disappointment with the changed view of the City Council and are to discuss the matter with The Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society shortly.