
A34 Winnall Roundabout Closure Sept 2016

Highways England - A34 Winnall Roundabout ClosureA34 Winnall Roundabout Closure

A34 / M3 Junction 9 – Roundabout Resurfacing

Highways England contractor Kier writes:

We will be resurfacing the roundabout at the A34/M3 interchange at Winchester, to ensure the network remains in a safe and serviceable condition. In addition some of the lane markings which were introduced as part of the previous improvement scheme will be amended to assist road users navigate the junction.

Start date: Monday 12 September 2016*

End date: Friday 23 September 2016*

Hours of work: Between 10pm to 6am, Monday to Friday only

In order to carry out the work as efficiently and safely as possible, we’ll need to fully close the roundabout and all approach roads overnight between 10pm and 6am, when traffic flows are at their lowest.

*Confirmed dates for the closures will be displayed in advance on black and yellow signs at the junction.

During the closures, various clearly signed diversion routes will be in place utilising the M3, A303, A33, M3 Junction 10, main routes through Winchester, B3047 and A31, which have been approved for their suitability.

Full details in the attached letter.

A34 Winnall Rbt Closure
A34 Winnall Rbt Closure
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